Bad Credit = Worst person in the Universe

Several bad decisions, coupled with living by my teeth, and running through life with a Fuck-it-all attitude; (teenager-college-late 20's) has fucked up my credit beyond all hope... Follow Dave as he tries to fix it. One bullet at a time.

Sunday, April 24, 2005

T-Minus 168 hours and counting...

Okay so technically more like 167 and change, but it's 3:30ish in the morning central standard time.

Some background., Last friday, after finishing what I thought was an exit interview for a company that I was working for, the CEO comes in and says and I'm paraphrasing here...

"Dave, you're a damned genius and I need you in the field., Please stay on, we'll give you a truckload of cash that you won't have to pay taxes on. We'll give you a break 6-7 months into the job for a couple of weeks, and then wrap up the final 6 months..."

So for those of you who I don't know, I'm a civilian contractor, seconded to the United States Department of Defense. I can't tell you what project I'm working on, or specifically where, but I can tell you I'm going to be in Iraq in a little less than a week.

And for you sticklers of grammar, I use commas as though I were pausing while speaking. If you don't like it, go do something unpleasant to yourself, this is my Blog!

I currently weigh in at 284.2 lbs. but I carry it well, so people always guess in the 220's.
I've fought my wieght my entire adult life. So the secondary title to this blog will be

The Bagdhad Weight Loss Program.
~Sweat off the pounds in continuous 150 degree heat!~
My plan is to lose 100lbs.
I'm gonna post a couple of before pictures, from my sister's wedding. Believe it or not, I weigh less now, than I did then. Of course for the wedding she had me in a white tux jacket for that expatriate casablanca wedding feel... So optical illusions, or color clashes aside, I looked like some sort of beached aquatic mammal. Add the bow tie, and I look like the linux penguin on crack... (let's be fair here, I'm talking crack rolling in crisco and deep fried in fatback) So as you can tell from my bitter cynicism, I'm not particularly fond of the whole weight thing.
So I've got my workout scheduale, a completely alien diet, an 84-96 hour work week, and ridiculous heat... now if I could only find some tape worm eggs, I might just have a chance...